- What types of colleges and universities can use ACES?
- How do we get user account and password information for the ACES system?
- We do our own validity studies. Why would we want to do an ACES study?
- How much does it cost to do an ACES validity study?
- Is ACES in compliance with FERPA regulations?
- Is a written agreement required to participate in ACES?
- How does ACES keep our student data files secure?
- When can we request a validity study from ACES?
- How frequently can we request a study from ACES?
- Can we pull up our old ACES study request and resubmit it with a new data file?
- How do I look up a student’s high school attending institution code (AI code)?
- Can I save my ACES study design online and return to it later?
- How do I use the Quality Assurance report to determine my errors?
- Can we include ACT scores as a predictor in my ACES study?
- Can we use scores from our local tests as predictors in ACES studies?
- How do I look up the designated institution/College Board college code (dicode) for my institution or system?
- When will we get our ACES admission or placement validity study?
- May I get a copy of a sample validity report?
- I don’t have a statistical background; will I find an ACES report hard to interpret?
- What is the National SAT Validity Study?