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ACES Studies
Admission Validity Study
SAT Placement Validity Study
ACCUPLACER Placement Validity Study
AP Placement Validity Study
CLEP Placement Validity Study
Completion Study
Retention Study
Year-over-Year Study
Data Layout Templates
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Frequently Asked Questions
What types of colleges and universities can use ACES?
How do we get user account and password information for the ACES system?
We do our own validity studies. Why would we want to do an ACES study?
How much does it cost to do an ACES validity study?
Is ACES in compliance with FERPA regulations?
Is a written agreement required to participate in ACES?
Admission Validity Studies
What’s the minimum number of students needed for an admission validity study?
We don’t capture HSGPAs in our student information system; is this a problem?
How should we handle student course grades of Fail, Incomplete, or Withdraw?
Can we include students who don't complete their first year in our admission validity study?
Can we include students who are missing SAT scores in our admission validity study?
Can we include part-time students in our sample for an admission validity study?
Using the ACES Portal
Which format must I use to submit my student data to ACES?
How should I label our student data file?
I am having problems uploading my data to ACES. What's wrong?
May I send my student data file to ACES by email instead of uploading it?
Where can I get a data layout to give to the person who’s creating my data file?
What if I have empty columns in my student data file?
ACCUPLACER Placement Validity Studies
How should we collect data for a placement validity study?
Can we get placement information for our math and English courses at the same time?
Are grades required for an ACCUPLACER validity study?
If my institution primarily gives Pass/Fail grades, can we conduct a placement validity study?
Can we include students with Fail, Incomplete, or Withdraw grades?
What’s the minimum number of students needed for a placement validity study?
SAT Placement Validity Studies
Do I need to submit a new data file for a placement study based on students analyzed in our admission study?
Can we get placement information for our math and English courses at the same time?
We use SAT scores for admission. How can we tell if they could help us in placement?
If my institution primarily gives Pass/Fail grades, can we conduct a placement validity study?
Can we include students with Fail, Incomplete, or Withdraw grades?
What’s the minimum number of students needed for a placement validity study?
AP Placement Validity Studies
Do I need to submit a new data file for a placement study based on students analyzed in our admission study?
Can we get placement information for our math and English courses at the same time?
If my institution primarily gives Pass/Fail grades, can we conduct a placement validity study?
Can we include students with Fail, Incomplete, or Withdraw grades?
How should we collect data for a placement validity study?
What’s the minimum number of students needed for a placement validity study?
CLEP Placement Validity Studies
Can we get placement information for our math and English courses at the same time?
If my institution primarily gives Pass/Fail grades, can we conduct a placement validity study?
What’s the minimum number of students needed for a retention study?
Can we include other commercial exams as a predictor in my ACES study?
Which College Board testing programs are supported by ACES?
How do I analyze and articulate my institution’s CLEP credit and placement policies within ACES?
Completion Studies
When can I conduct an ACES Completion Study?
What is the minimum number of students needed for a completion study?
How should we choose predictors for a completion study?
Can we include students who are missing SAT scores in our completion study?
Which score(s) will be used in the analysis?
We do not capture HSGPAs in our student information system. Is this a problem?
Retention Studies
We don’t capture HSGPAs in our student information system. Is this a problem?
How should we choose predictors for a retention study?
How many predictors can I include in my retention study?
How can I include special subgroup analyses in my retention study?
Can we include students who are missing SAT scores in our retention study?
What’s the minimum number of students needed for a retention study?
Year-Over-Year Studies
Can I study the HSGPA supplied by my own institution in the Year-Over-Year report or does that need to be the HSGPA from the ACES database?
What if I decide to add or remove a submission after confirming my selection of submissions to be included in my ACES Year-Over-Year study?
Can we examine subgroups in a Year-Over-Year study?
What if I would like to review my previous ACES reports and files before submitting a Year-Over-Year study?
Can we conduct AP, CLEP, SAT Placement or ACCUPLACER Year-Over-Year studies?
Can we examine our institution-provided additional predictors in a Year-Over-Year study?